Visits and Visitors
These are just some examples of our visits and visitors. Please see our Facebook page for more photographs and information – you can request to be a member of our private group.
Tri Kids
The whole school had chance to take part in a Triathlon, when TriKids came to visit us. We ran around the running track , the swimming was replicated by using resistance bands and we cycled on specially adapted racing bikes.

Sharks – Yr 6 finance workshop
Sharks took part in a Finance Workshop. They showed lots of interest as they learned about different money situations people may face in everyday life (including… paying bills, applying for mortgages or loans in a safe way and the importance of budgeting correctly). We all took part in a ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ style quiz to see how much we could remember (with a few children successfully reaching the million). Finally, we worked in groups to complete a task, which involved planning a party on a budget.
Wigan Summit- Climate Change
Our Year 5 & 6 School Parliament Representatives went to the first ever Wigan Summit for Climate Change. They were treated to talks, poems, dances and Aneeshwar (from BGT) did one of his passionate speeches about the Earth. We then had lunch (plant based) and then went to some workshops promoting all the things Wigan are doing to improve our carbon footprint.

Dragonflies- Yr 4 Visit to Wigan Library
As part of the Pre Rugby League Celebrations, Year 4 were invited to Wigan library to meet Salma Zaman.
Salma is a teacher, author & choreographer of Bollywood dancing.
During the morning,l they earned the Haka and a Bollywood dance routine.
Yr 6 -Sharks Red Cross – First aid
Sharks had a visit from The Red Cross – they were shown how to deal with lots of different scenarios involving accidents/injuries. They were shown how to give First Aid, in an emergency, and how to use everyday items they may have with them (such as a scarf or a hat).

Library Visit
To celebrate the Rugby World Cup, Y5 and Y6 visited Wigan Library and took part in some amazing activities like World Cup pong, design a rugby league shirt, Stack Attack and Crate Ball.
Wigan Museum Visit
Year 5 and 6 visited Wigan Museum, where they learned about the history of rugby league and its relationship with our town.

Butterflies Walk to the Post Box
Butterflies (Reception) had a walk around the local area. They walked to the post box to post their letters to Father Christmas. When they got back to school, they drew a map of their route.
Aspirations Week
During Aspirations Week, we had lots of different visitors explaining and describing what they do as a job. We had a Firefighter, Police Officers, Civil Servants, a soldier, a nurse, a singer and many more visitors. It was great to see what different people do as jobs and hopefully this has encouraged our children to aspire to have a fantastic job when they grow up.

Nursery Walk to the Post Box
Nursery had a walk to the postbox to post their letters to Father Christmas. Whilst on the walk, they had a look at the local area around school.
Wigan Mosque School Visit
As part of Year 5’s Religious Education topic – Islam, a member of Wigan Mosque came to school to talk all about the Islamic religion. Year 6 also had the opportunity to join in as, unfortunately due to COVID, they were unable to have a visit.

‘History is made every day.’
Joan, from Wigan Library, came to tell our children about a writing competition in which the children can write anything about the history of Wigan. Joan gave us lots of ideas : Rugby, football, Northern soul and George Formby – to name just a few. We were also very lucky to be able to see and touch some real artefacts from the Victorian period.
- We deliver Curriculum Assemblies for our families to watch – they come to visit and we perform/showcase our learning for the term.
- Our KS2 Reading Buddies visit KS1, regularly, to read with younger ‘Buddies’.
- Our GROW Coaches visit the KS1/2 playgrounds to support their friends and younger children.
- In December 2022, we took part in Healthy Relationship sessions (with specially trained visitors).
- Our Britannia Bridge Choir visit our local Care Homes, once a year, to serenade and interview the residents!
- Our SMART Ambassadors visit both playgrounds to support their friends and younger children with any online safety worries. They report these worries to Mrs Pidgeon-Duncalf and Miss Hooper.
- Our Play Leaders visit both playgrounds to support their friends and our younger children.
- We travel to compete in many tournaments to represent Britannia Bridge in a range of sports.
- We recently visited the Manchester United Stadium for a special tour – see our website video!
- We recently visited Britannia Canal Bridge, as part of our Local History learning – see our website video.
- Last summer, we were visited by trained Wigan Warriors coaches and we took part in an exciting Summer Camp.
- We enjoyed a Sponsored Walk to Haigh Hall, within the local area.
- We enjoyed Blackpool Zoo as part of our KS1 learning – see our website video for exciting footage!
- In KS2, we were visited by staff from two local High Schools – we took part in special Computing and Geography workshops with the Secondary School staff.
- Every year, our Y6 class visits The Lake District to take part in a week-long Residential Trip. It really is a highlight of our time at Britannia Bridge! See our private Facebook Group photos and videos for our families.
- Our families visit us, every year, for our KS1 and KS2 Sports Day – our parents and carers like to join in with the races :).
- We visit our two on-site libraries, regularly (with our families), to meet with our very own Librarian (Mrs McLelland). She is fantastic at helping us to choose the most thrilling books, which link to our unique interests.
- Each World Book Day, our competition winners visit a local book shop to choose their own prizes.
- During January 2023, we have just been visited by a group of Musicians, who performed a special concert for each and every one of us in the Hall.
- Happy Smiles CIC visited us, recently, to deliver a Diversity Workshop – we even featured on our Local News Channel (Granada Reports).
- The local Crosby Lifeguards came to visit to teach us about Water Safety (see our website video).
- Local Councillor Molyneaux visited us, in January 2023, to celebrate the opening of our new KS2 Gym!
- We visit our local Library all the time – our most recent visit was to meet author Mark Saunders.
- Dan from Manchester United visits Y5, each week, to join us for PE.
- Father Christmas visits, every year, so that we can tell him about our year.
- In March 2023, we have been invited to visit a local Art and Poetry Exhibition. Louise Fazackerly (local Poet) visited us, in 2022, and we wrote our own poems for the Exhibition.
- Commando Jo came to visit, in 2022, as part of our special Aspirations Week. He taught us how vital teamwork is.
- Lauren Waterworth (famous local singer) serenaded us too, as part of Aspirations Week 2022.
- Our Litter Team visit the school grounds, weekly, to look after our environment.
- In Sept 2022, during our special Languages Assembly, Mrs Ribiero taught us how to speak Portuguese.
- In Sept 22, we were visited by ‘The Brick’ – we donated to their Food Bank and helped the staff to load their van.
- Happy Smiles CIC came to talk to us about Hate Crime – February 2023.
- Local History Assembly – March 23 – Joan came to tell us about lots of Wigan history: we even tried some Wigan Casino Northern Soul dancing! She also announced that our Y6 girls had won the Local History Writing Competition. Well done, girls – their writing will be published in Joan’s local magazine
Fire Brigade Visit – March 23: we learned how to stay safe and met some real life Fire Fighters!
- See our private Facebook Group for much, much more!