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At Britannia Bridge, we understand how absolutely vital it is for each and every one of our children to achieve excellent attendance. Please see our Attendance Policy for how we work, as partners, with each and every one of our families to secure high attendance for all.

  • We are extremely proud of how we, as a school, promote excellent attendance by ensuring that our children are happy coming to school and that they WANT to learn (our children’s self-motivation is highly commendable).
  • At Britannia Bridge, we reward excellent attendance, within Collective Worship (weekly) and using termly rewards for our children/families.
  • We ensure that each and every one of our pupils has access to full-time education, by robustly analysing Attendance data to act early, where our families may be experiencing barriers to attendance.
  • Our Senior Leadership Team act daily (and weekly) to address patterns of absence, through daily calls/Home Visits to our families. We offer bespoke support, on a daily basis, for any of our families, who need it.
  • We support our Britannia Bridge parents and carers to perform their legal duty to ensure their children, of compulsory school age, attend regularly. 
  • We hold regular 1:1 meetings, where attendance is a concern, create bespoke Action Plans and liaise with our Local Authority Lead Attendance Officer to ensure high attendance for all year groups. We support our families through an Early Help approach and issue Education Penalty Notices, where applicable.